Race Format
Our normal Friday night racing normally takes the format of 4 rounds of qualifying and a final for all.
Qualifying – made up of four 5 minute sessions – each of these heats is not a race against others but against yourself, as you are trying to beat your previous time. We use Round by Round in our overall listings. The start order of each round is based on your overall FTD, so you keep the same number throughout. Listen out for the start order as the computer will call this out just prior to the start of the heat. Please wait for your number to be called and your 5 minutes will only start when you cross the timing loop.
Finals – These are sorted into the order determined by qualifying. Each final is 5 minutes in length. The start of finals uses a grid with a 1m gap between each car. Everyone starts together after the 10 second countdown completes. Watch out for the first corner as all the cars tries to fit into the small gap!
Gaps between races – The computer will call out a countdown between each race, this can be quite short and you need to be on the rostrum OR at your marshal point before the 10 second countdown commences.
At the end of the night’s racing, everyone must help pack away.